Boiler & Heater Service
Keeping your appliance serviced regular and on time, ensuring your downtime is kept to a minimum.
Regular checking and tuning of fuel/air ratio, will keep your efficiency at optimum levels.
Periodic Boiler / Heater Service:
Depending on the type and size of your boiler / heater, will determine the frequency of the periodic service required . Please call today to discuss you options.
If you have an unattended water tube boiler up to and including 10 MW, 5 weekly inspections are a requirement as per AS:2593
Annual Boiler / Heater Service:
Annual boiler inspections are mandatory as per AS/NZ 3788, our technicians will open the boiler and prepare for the inspection by an accredited Boiler Inspector.
Once complete, the boiler will be closed followed by all safety checks being carried out and documented, ensuring you boiler continues to operate safely.
Heater annual inspections are highly recommended as these will identify any signs of leaks or poor combustion, which can be rectified and ensuring reliable operation minimising downtime.